Saturday, February 13, 2010

Brad's Birthday Surprise

AMAZING!! Let's begin with the fact that I am HORRIBLE at surprises but pulled this one off. I booked our flight in December and kept is a secret until Feb. 12!! I even got it to work with Brad's work schedule ;).

Brad opened his birthday card on Friday and inside was a gift ticket that I made. Hand drawn hot air balloons and a cute little note asking him to "fly away with me". Brad was very excited and a little nervous, I think. He may never admit to it but he was!

We met our ballooning crew at 6:45am, on a SATURDAY! Definitely worth missing a little sleep. We drove to the launch site in Chandler, Az and watched the process of filling the balloons. There were two other balloons that also flew this morning. The sun was shinning and the morning was PERFECT. Once the balloon was ready we jumped in and took off. It rises pretty fast but once we were up it was very smooth. Our pilot, Mike, was very entertaining and made the flight even more fun. The winds created an interesting landing but it, again, was smooth. After we had the traditional Champagne toast and a little snack before heading back.

The whole experience was very exciting and we love having new adventures together! Birthdays as a married couple have turned out to be even more amazing than I could have ever imagined. Now, to begin to research and plan the NEXT adventure....

Enjoy the photos!